For the first time in the world, innovative Kahriz drilling technology is applied in Azerbaijan.

For the first time in the world, innovative Kahriz drilling technology is applied in Azerbaijan.

The study, construction, operation, repair and rehabilitation of kahrizes is one of the key issues in the development of kahriz water systems. To date, in most countries of the world, the kahrizes are dug in almost the same way as it was done a long time ago. However, for the first time in the world, the Korean International Cooperation Agency's project "Integrated rural development in IDP settlements in Azerbaijan through the restoration of sewer systems" implemented by the International Organization for Migration has introduced innovative technology in rehabilitation of the kahrizes in Ahmadagali village of Aghdam region.

With the introduction of new technology, manual labor used in traditional kahriz drilling technology has almost been replaced by mechanization and automation of drilling.

While traditional kahriz construction and rehabilitation takes a great deal of labor and money, it will now take months to complete a kahriz, as well as rehabilitate and maintain it efficiently both economically and safely.

The work done by engineers of the Mingachevir office of the International Organization for Migration Arzu Musayev and Ravan Mehdiyev is commendable.

For the first time in the world, innovative Kahriz drilling technology is applied in Azerbaijan.For the first time in the world, innovative Kahriz drilling technology is applied in Azerbaijan.For the first time in the world, innovative Kahriz drilling technology is applied in Azerbaijan.For the first time in the world, innovative Kahriz drilling technology is applied in Azerbaijan.For the first time in the world, innovative Kahriz drilling technology is applied in Azerbaijan.For the first time in the world, innovative Kahriz drilling technology is applied in Azerbaijan.For the first time in the world, innovative Kahriz drilling technology is applied in Azerbaijan.For the first time in the world, innovative Kahriz drilling technology is applied in Azerbaijan.